Karlrecords, KR101, 2023 [CD/LP/DL/stream]
File under: Free Form, Wild Style, Psychedelia
»Every song written or improvised has an inside song which lives in the shadows,
in-between the sounds and silences and behind the words, pulsating,
waiting to be reborn as a new song.«
William Parker
With the release of their mid-career studio effort, Weber and his bandmates deliver soundscapes and patchwork constructions that flow in and out of themselves from multiple angles. As a meditation, the beginning is the end and the end is the beginning. What we are left with can best be described as a location that one can visit as much as listen to. Rich with sonic imagery, it is both immersive and haunting, like exploring a shipwreck in deep water. The listener moves through its structure as the souls who reside within offer their passing glances with knowing smiles. Knowing what is up to you.
The Kammerflimmer Kollektief plays music, which should not be written down, for it would scorch the paper. The project, whose music meanders between precision and freedom, has been founded in 1996 by Thomas Weber. Up to now, the Kollektief has released 11 albums in all sorts of line ups..
The Kammerflimmer Kollektief is emotive and impassioned. It is also as lucid and precise as those moods which Robert Musil (who is above suspicion of a being a romanticist) called "daylight mysticism". The lyrics and the music want to be heard, they want to be explored, even suffered. Sound builds songs which are made of sounds, and yet they’ re no longer songs.
Das Kammerflimmer Kollektief macht Musik, die man nicht aufschreiben sollte, weil sonst das Papier verbrennt. Das zwischen Präzision und Freiheit mäandernde Projekt wurde 1996 von Thomas Weber gegründet, veröffentlichte in unterschiedlichsten Besetzungen bislang 11 Alben.
Das Kammerflimmer Kollektief ist gefühlig und pathetisch, aber dabei so klar, wie jene Stimmungen klar sind, die Robert Musil, der der Romantik völlig unverdächtig ist, die "taghelle Mystik" nannte. Die Texte und die Musik wollen gehört werden, ausgespürt, ertastet, durchlitten, der Sound baut Songs, die aus Sound gebaut sind, Songs, die aber keine Lieder mehr sind.
Heike Aumüller
synth + harmonium
Christopher Brunner
drummer man
Johannes Frisch
low end practice
Thomas Weber
electric guitars
There are actions...
CD/LP/DL/stream, Bureau B, bb304, 2018Désarroi
CD/LP/DL, Staubgold 136, 2015Wildling
LP/CD/DL, Staubgold 97, 2010Im erwachten Garten
feat. Dietmar DathCD/DL, Staubgold 94, Implex & Verbrecher Verlag, 2009
Drittes Kapitel [Ungesagt, dann vergessen] from Bernd Schoch
Drittes Kapitel [Ungesagt, dann vergessen] from Bernd Schoch
Action 1: Lucid, Imperial Beach from Bernd Schoch
Zurück zum Beton (Version) from Bernd Schoch
Nachtwache, 15.September from Bernd Schoch